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1Introduction: About this Jog
Ten Minutes of Tech for Busy Teachers
This jog features a mixed-bag of quick tech tools for teachers to explore in ten minutes or less. All of the tools in this jog are extremely user-friendly, free and require no login. The tools are simple and versatile enough to teach just about any content to students of all ages. Ten minutes is all it will take to check out one of these tools and add it to your tech toolkit of resources.
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2Qwiki: A Multi-Media Search Engine
Qwiki is a multi-media search engine that delivers content in the form of a narrated interactive slideshow. It's a great tool for providing background knowledge. Just type in a search term, then enjoy.
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3home - BagTheWeb
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4Text Compactor
Use this free online tool for summarizing and simplifying text. Just copy and paste some digital text into the box, use the slider to determine the percentage of text you want to end up with, and view the simplified text.
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5Type With Me: Online Real-Time Collaboration
Click to create a new document, then share the link with students on a blog or website to begin collaborating without requiring a login.
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6Art Project: Explore Museums
This Google powered website allows you to explore museums from around the world and view images as if you were there.
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7Citebite: Highlight Text on a Web Page
Install the handy bookmarklet in your toolbar to easily access this tool anytime you want to highlight text on a page and send students directly to it through a link.
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8Pics4Learning: Copyright-friendly Photos
Pics4Learning is a copyright-friendly image library designed for education that contains thousands of images that have been donated for use.
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9WP Clipart: Copyright-friendly Graphics
This collection of graphics provides students with access to images for use in school projects. The graphics are free of copyrights and fees, but donations are appreciated.
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10Wordle: A Word Cloud Generator
Copy and paste any text into the box to get a good look at the frequently used words. Try Wordling the text from a current event, then generate a class discussion about it. View more ideas on the next page.
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11Wordle Example & Ideas
Wordle IdeasWriting Analysis:
* Speech analysis
* Speech comparison
* Autobiography analysis
* Author analysis
* Vocabulary activities
* Poetry analysis
* Famous author titles
* World a couple of book reviews.
*Wordle your blog
*Use wordle to add a graphic visual to some of the kids' journals and poems. - Barnstable
Vocabulary:*Wordle the content of your lesson, the biggest words are the key vocabulary. - Diehl
* Wordle articles written about a common artist or painting.
* List your top 10 paintings by title, wordle them.
* List your top 10 paintings by artist, wordle them
Personal Reflection:
* List of most recent books read, including genre
* List of most recent titles of magazines read.
* Keep a food diary for one week, then wordle the results.
* Wordle writing for frequently misspelled words.
* Identify overused words and use synonyms
* List the people you sat next to throughout the week.
* Have students generate a bunch of free and open thoughts on any topic, have them customize them in away they find aesthetically appealing and then engage in a discussion on the different wordles thatemerge. - Kannan
* Wordle the sports headlines.
* Read the sports page online. Wordle the titles of the articles you read.
* List the last 5 major league baseball teams you saw play in person.
* List the winning Superbowl teams.
Fun With Words:
* Design word games
* Use wordle to experiment with synonyms
* Wordle words with prefixes
* Wordle your spelling list
Social Studies:
* Wordle the home states of the past presidents.
* Wordle a famous speech.
* Wordle the battles of the Civil War, with states identified.
* Wordle the words to Civil Rights music.
* Wordle the words to any series of songs that reflect a significant time period.
* Wordle Einstein's theory of relativity.
Current Events:
* Wordle the headlines
* Wordle a new story you find online.
* Wordle an editorial.
* Feed an entire transcript of a nightly news telecast into the wordle and see what results. -Kannan
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