Castles of the medieval time
5 Steps
This web quest is to learn information about medieval castles including the defences, castle architecture of the various rooms of the castle, the history featuring the beginning to end of the medieval castles and castles that still exist around the world. Knights of the castle and the medieval weapons that were used are important when understanding Medieval History. Page one has been included to highlight the defence systems in place, which were used in many castles. Page two also explains about the castle architecture and how they were built. The third page tells about the history in the medieval castles and has features of the begging to the end. The fourth page talks all about the medieval knights and how difficult it was to become a knight in the medieval times. The fifth and final page of my web quest is a page that talks the medieval weapons and how they were used. By using all this pages they work together to make an interesting jog about Castles of the Medieval Time
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